Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Fun!

Okay, so I know it's technically the day before Halloween, but around here, if Halloween falls on a Sunday, it's celebrated on the Saturday before.  We also were celebrating yesterday as well with school parties and Kevin and a work party for the whole family as well.  Brandon and Ed got to trick or treat around Kevin's office and then we had chili.  Since Kevin's work is making the new Monopoly video game, they have a giant Monopoly car in the office that the boys just had to have their picture taken in.

Darth Vadar and Bumblebee in the Monopoly Car
Then today, we went to our church's trunk or treat and Halloween party.  It started at 11am and we got to have chili or soup with corn bread for lunch while we chatted with everyone.  We also had a little costume parade for the kids before the lunch. 

Edward was the Transformer, Bumblebee

Brandon as Darth Vadar
Then all the parents that had volunteered to have a candy trunk went out to prepare their cars.  We didn't decorate our trunk,  but a lot of others did.  I sat in the back and handed out treats to the little kids while Kevin took the boys around to the other trunks.  Kevin and I even got dressed up for the occasion. 

Tami was a 50's Hop Girl

Kevin was everyone's favorite sparkly vampire!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Carving Pumpkins

Brandon and Edward went to two different pumpkin patches on school field trips this past Friday.  I was able to go with Edward and he just loved being able to choose his own pumpkin and go through the hay bale maze. 

Edward in the hay bale maze

Mom, I think I want this one.

Never mind, Mom.  This is the one I want!

Okay, actually, this is the absolutely best pumpkin ever. 

Today was finally the day that we carved the pumpkins.  I had bought a couple extra at the store so Kevin and I could join in the fun.  It sure is a messy endeavor to clean out those pumpkins and a lot of work actually carving them, but it was well worth it.  The boys loved poking the holes along the pattern lines so that I could carve the design that had chosen or drawn.

Cleaning out the pumpkins.

Look, Mom!  It has a lid!

Yep, it has a lid.  Kevin is so goofy!

Kevin and Brandon

Brandon and Edward

I think our carved pumpkins turned out quite well, if I do say so myself.  Kevin chose a howling wolf, I chose a spider in a web, Edward chose a bat on a gravestone, and since Brandon's pumpkin was a bit too small for the patterns, he drew a funny face for his.  Next time, I think I'll choose a less complicated design for my pumpkin as it took a long time to cut every little piece out.

Pumpkins after being carved

All lit up

Kevin's howling wolf

Tami's spider

Edward's bat

Brandon's face

A Rescued Kitten

Several weeks ago, we noticed two kittens on the trail by our house.  There was no mama cat around and they hadn't been there prior to this.  It led us to believe that these poor little kittens were dumped.  I took them food several times before deciding to try to catch one of them.  He was kinda leery of the kitty carrier, but the want of food outweighed it.  The other kitten was about to get in the kitty carrier as well, but the first one started growling at it, so it backed off.  I was able to shut the door of the kitty carrier and we rescued the one that got in.  A neighbor of ours caught the other one a couple weeks later, so they are both being well taken care of. 

Our boys loved helping me catch this little guy and just adore him.  We named him, Bandit, since his face markings look kind of like a mask as well as the fact that he stole our hearts.  He has the loudest purr I've ever heard.  Of course that might just be because our full grown cat, Oscar,  has the absolutely quietest purr I've ever heard from a cat. 

Our little Bandit

At first we weren't sure we were going to be able to keep Bandit, because Oscar wasn't very happy with another cat being in the house.  It took less than a week for Oscar to get used to Bandit and now they are best of friends.

Bandit and Oscar taking a nap by each other.

Edward holding Oscar and Bandit